Thursday, May 10, 2007

When Does A Fake Victory Become A True Defeat?

How often have we heard the Right Wing zealots say "We HAVE to win this war! Defeat is not an option! We can't surrender!" Do these talking points hold any water? Let's explore this:

Back in 2003 when we embarked on this "great adventure", remember how patriotic people started acting? Remember how we started adopting that ol' Vietnam phrase "Support our Troops" and whatnot? And how the mindless masses didn't just think, but know we would just mince into Baghdad, sprinkling freedom, joy, and rainbow gumdrop happiness all over those smiling brown faces? Remember that? How it was the pinnacle battle of Good and Evil, how Iraq was such a huge threat to us and that ol' meanie Saddam was hunched over a giant map of the world plotting his "eeeevil" takeover of the world? How the kids drew little pictures of Jesus standing next to Bush, kicking Saddams butt while huge crudly drawn American flags flttered in the backround? How all those happy Iraqis were going to cheer as "Our Boys" marched through their streets handing out candy bars and little American flags? Remember all that?

Yes, this was going to be such a wonderful campaign of freedom, how could anyone be against it... Those "Damn Liberals" and seemed to be the only ones opposed to this "great" and "wonderful" liberation of a country, where *sniff* Freedom and *sniff* Liberty could flourish in a country in the middle east. It would be just like a little tiny America with all the happy people living in happy houses in a happy city and a happy freedom-y country. Ahhh yes, what a glorious image it was....

And for a while, those big doe eyed Iraqi children smiling at the troops seemed like some surreal reality to those who supported Operation Iraqi mean Freedom... Yes, even Bush took part in spreading the big bunny-fluff sunlight happiness when he landed on that Carrier off of San Diego, and declared, like the apperant "Victor" he was, that the U.S. had won, Mission Accomplished! Yayyyy!!!!!

Then what happened? All of a sudden, those "silly" little brown people we were going to liberate, started actually firing back at us! Those little American flags we handed out found their way on the business end of a butane lighter, those little Doe-eyed children started having those "eyes" along with their arms, legs, and brains, blown off! We weren't being greeted as liberators! We were being greeted as invadors! The Army would go into a city, only to leave as chunks on hamburger.
Then those Al-Queda people started popping up, one after another! And the kids started firing at us, then the people who we were sure to greet us as liberators, started pointing their guns at us, what was going on!!!!

And even then, our "Noble" soldiers were doing what they could to make those "silly brown people" that we were just trying to make them free! Surly they just didn't understand. Surly they just had to see what we were truly about, and then they'd stop shooting at us, right? I mean, come on. We're AMERICA! We can't be viewed as evil! We're like, the ultimate Good Guy!.....right?

And even later on, we had to stay the course, because we were still spreading freedom, even though nearly 40% of all Americans started to question why we should be there. We had to stay the course. The little brown people needed their Freedom from good ol' U.S. of A.

And now..., it seems "Those Damn Liberals" are succeeding in somehow convincing the people that this was for some reason, a "wrong move", that what was supposed to be Freedomville, is called a "Quagmire", and almost 4,000 soldiers died, and hundreds of thousands of Iraqis have been sacrificed, haven't been for freedom, but in fact have been in vain? For oil?
No! No! That can't be true! There were supposed to be happy Iraqis! There were supposed to be Democracy! There was supposed to be Bunnies and Rainbows and little Gumdrop fairys sprinkling freedom around!


What happens when this grossly nieve outlook on the War in Iraq gets exposed for the lie it was. What happens when this war was never for "Freedom", "Liberty", and bringing "Democracy" to Iraq? What happens when the blood of every Man, Woman and Child starts oozing down the walls, chunks of their flesh slowly forming around the words "LIE"?
There's a harsh reality about this war that the people who insists on Victory are missing. The world they live in is the world I expressed upon above. The words I used, are practically the sugar coating the Right used, and continue to use, to explain away what's going on. They wouldn't even think about the mistakes they made, their government made, and their president made.

I'll skip the buttering up to say this as painfully blunt as I can.

The war in Iraq, has been the most illegal, pointless, lawless, undignified, geonocidal, racist, misleading, and purley unneccicary CAMPAIGN OF MUSLIM EXTERMINATION AND ATTRITION in the history of the country. People call for "Victory". There can be no Victory. Do you understand? There can be no Victory. We've lost. We, being America. We Lost this thing the second the first Tomahawk was fired. Bush was a FOOL to say that Iraq can have a Democracy. Democracy doesn't work for all countries. Bush and his followers were FOOLS to think that we would be greeted as liberators. Bush was CONTEMPTABLE to say that those who don't support the war, are Unamerican and Unpatriotic. And all of those NeoCons who still support the war are worse than fools. They are beyond reprieve. Bush is beyond reprieve. The true heroes are those who condemn this Campaign of Muslim Extermination. The true heroes are the soldiers who don't referr to the Iraqia as "Hagis, Ragheads, Camel Jockeys and Towelheads" And most importantly, the ture heroes are the ones working now to end this damnable fraud on the American public, which continues to rape the public of it's money, it's resources, and most importantly, it's lives.
How could anyone in their right minds support ANYTHING that involves blowing innocent men women and children into red mist? You see people who are "Pro-War". What sane person is possibly "Pro-War"?!

America has lost this "War". Iraq will never be a Democracy. It can't. We need to end this now. We have got to bite the perverbial bullet, and just get out. Let the chaos ensue. Give the civilians an opprotunity to escape, and then just get out.
Then, anarchy will result. But it's ALREADY anarchy! We need to get our soldiers out now, and just let the insurgants kill themselves. It is pointless to stay. I'm sorry, it just is.

Any "Victory" declared will be a false Victory. If I can realize it, than any person with a brain should. There's no further point to this conflict. Let's count our losses, and go home. And then bring Bush up on War Crimes charges.

You heard me. War Crimes.


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