Friday, July 27, 2007

Free Religion!

From and an article about Why Germany hates Secientology... <--- click to read

"Some German officials believe Scientology's ideology is rooted in a kind of political extremism—a bit of a sensitive area for Germany since World War II. They also argue that Scientology is not a religion but a business, since local churches operate like franchises of the main organization. "


My two cents...

I truely believe all religions should have the right to practice their belief, even Scientology. After all, who is to say they aren't totally correct and we're all wrong? But arguing that Scientology is a "business" and not a "religion" totally misses the mark for excuses not to call it a "religion"!

Come on, crowd! Look at any religion and, in spite of all the ritual and faith and belief structure, they are ALL businesses! The Baptists send money to the HQ like any other franchise and, although they claim the individual churches are "independent", if they screw up enough, they are ostracized by the leadship of the HQ. Same with Methodists, Lutherans, Episcopal, etc.

But, of course, it's the Catholic Church that is a best example of a franchising operation. All decisions come down from Headquarters (the Pope and the Vatican) and that includes every nook and cranny of the Catholics' world. Even the professors at Catholic Universities are under the HQ's thumb. Teach or write outside the dictates of the Central Office and boom... no job.

So, if you're going to pick on Scientology for being a business, you must go after ALL the other religions. They are ALL businesses and at their core, their interest is money, money and more money, like like McDonalds, KFC, Pizza Hut, etc.!

Saudi Problems!

From the NY Times...

Basically, the stuff is hitting the fan with George the Witless' robed buddies. Someone's figuring out that his former playmates are really just terrorists of another ilk. Rather than fight us directly and risk losing the revenue from their oil, they support the Islamic extremists and play both end against the middle so they don't offend anyone!

George is caught in the middle because he's handholding buddies with the Saudi prince Bandar and because his Daddy and other family members are in business (deeply) with the Saudi's and King Abdullah. So, he has to tread lightly when it comes to representing US interests to these former goat herders.

But now and then some truth comes to light and... well, this is one of those moments.

The solution? Get as far away from middle east oil as we can through alternative fuels (make that our National Priority!) and get out of the middle east and let them kill each other if they must.


The New White House Cat!

From, an intriguing article about a cat who can sense the next to die in a nursing home. (Click here to read it). It seems the cat curls up with the patient and within a couple hours, they pass away.


I think this cat needs to visit the next Presidential Cabinet meeting. I suspect it'll head right for Attorney General Gonzales!


Cornyn's Day's are Numbered!

An atricle from Rio Grande Guardian...
(click here to read it) carries news of the entry of two Democrats into the race to take the Senate seat of John Cornyn, R-Texas, in the 2008 election.

One of the candidates is State Rep. Rick Noriega from Houston. Noriega is a five-term member of the Texas House. A lieutenant colonel in the National Guard, he served one year in combat in Afghanistan. His connections to Laredo and the Valley are strong thanks to his service in the National Guard. In Laredo, he was sector commander for Operation Jump Start for five months. He has been in the operational cell for three Operation Lone Star projects. And, he has worked closely over the years with the 3rd Battalion, 141st Infantry at Weslaco.


and, of course, my two cents...

If this is the sort of candidate we're going to field in 2008, then it sure looks like Texas is turning BLUE as the people realize their current representation has been nothing more bagman and bagwoman for the Bush Regime.

As Noriega put it, his intention was to “speak truth to power” over the coming months on behalf of millions of Texans who have not had proper representation in the U.S. Senate for the past six years. “This senator (Cornyn) decided early on to represent one Texan – the President of the United States. He has carried George Bush’s brief case. He has not represented the 22 million people that live in the state of Texas,” Noriega said.

I can't wait until Texans can scream, "FREE at LAST! Free at Last!"


Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Worse than Nixon?


WASHINGTON - President Bush is a competitive guy. But this is one contest he would rather lose. With 18 months left in office, he is in the running for most unpopular president in the history of modern polling.

The latest Washington Post-ABC News survey shows that 65 percent of Americans disapprove of Bush's job performance, matching his all-time low. In polls conducted by The Post or Gallup going back to 1938, only once has a president exceeded that level of public animosity -- and that was Richard M. Nixon, who hit 66 percent four days before he resigned.


My two cents? Jesus! What can I say that this doesn't already say?


Thursday, July 19, 2007

The Perfect Analogy

from article regarding US troops picking up garbage in Baghdad...

The rotting waste presented enormous dangers not just for Iraqi trash collectors and for local residents exposed to the risk of disease, but for U.S. troops. Corbin said many of his unit’s civil affairs missions in Baghdad were connected in some way to the city’s garbage problem.
“If we didn’t pick up the garbage, then al-Qaida would put explosives in the garbage to kill us,” he said. “And if the streets are full of trash, the Iraqi people are going to be upset and blame us. … Everything is linked.”

I think that's the perfect analogy to the situation our Troops are in. It's a shame. If they don't do what the Iraqi's should be doing, they either get complaints or blown up! It's a total no-win situation and that's why we have to pull back to the fringes and let the Iraqi's do what needs to be done within their own country.

We shouldn't be risking our troops lives to pick up someone else's garbage. George, if you think it's necessary for us to be there, hire Halliburton to do it with your own money. The Republican National Committee should be able to loan you some money!


Congress needs to grow some "Big Ones"

There's a excellent article at about "Executive Priviledge" and how Congress should respond to the White House in this matter. Click here to read it.

The author offers a idea involving the formation of yet another layer of technology to combat the abuse of executive power but that's adding another layer to the problem rather than peeling away a layer to solve the current problem. As a technician, I'm always wary of "adding another layer" because it tends to complicate matters more often than solve them.

The solution to the abuse of Executive Priviledge is for Congress to grow some "Big Ones" and assert it's oversight authority. After all Congress has the powers granted to it by the Constitution which include oversight and, yes, the I-word, Impeachment. Congress has the authority and responsibility for oversight. For five years, they dropped the ball and let it bounce around while the White House cast a blind eye to its actions which included getting the US involved in the Iraqi Civil War and Occupation. Subsequent to the 2006 elections, the hearings have begun but many are too late to hope for any good to come of their efforts. Meanwhile, the core of the problem lies within the offices of the Vice President, the Senior Adviser, Karl Rove and the Justice Department's head, Alberto Gonzales. And the biggest problem has been the reluctantance of Congress to move forward with some action of disapproval. There are many possible actions but it's time to consider the big one: Impeachment!

Ever since the Clinton Impeachment, I believe the Democrats, especially, have been uncomfortable bring this up because they don't want to look like they are abusing it as the Republicans did against Clinton. They see it as a very serious alternative and wish to reserve it for the most appropriate moment. However, there is a tool available to Congress that could come before Impeachment and will trump the flaccid argument of Executive Privledge. It is called Inherent Comtempt. Congress can compell the testimony of anyone it wants and hold court within its chambers to prosecute anyone it wants, including those mentioned above, to force them to testify of be jailed for comptempt... impeachment to follow, I am sure. It's currently considering Contempt charges against Harriet Myers for not complying with the subpoena to appear. But this is BB-shot compared to what it really MUST do.

If there is any basis for Impeachment in the US Constitution, the actions of the Bush Regime have certainly warranted such action. They've been bold in their resistance to the requirements to report to Congress when requested and lied when they did. They have subverted law and law and skated on the edge of laws, flauting their spirit, if not their letter. Nothing in US history can compare to their absolute disrespect for the Congress, Laws, Traditions, Sanctity, and People of the United States as this adminstration! Nothing! If Congress does not move to Impeachment against Bush, Cheney and Gonzales then they should just "whiteout" the references to it in the Constitution and wait until January 2009 for the nightmare to be over.

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Republicans are not happy...

The latest Associated Press-Ipsos poll found that nearly a quarter of Republicans are unwilling to back top-tier hopefuls Rudy Giuliani, Fred Thompson, John McCain or Mitt Romney, and no one candidate has emerged as the clear front-runner among Christian evangelicals. Such dissatisfaction underscores the volatility of the 2008 GOP nomination fight.

I said the other day that Republicans are not happy with the field of candidates running for their party's nomination and now the AP Poll seems to bear that out. I'm not suprised. Look at the field. The choices are nut-cake Christian fundamentalists and morally bankrupt has-beens who have little more claim to fame than they were alive on September 11, 2001! There's even a nut-case from Surfside Texas (population about 25 rundown trailers and more oil storage tanks than street signs who thinks the federal government shouldn't have no more authority than a PTA --- like the Civil War never happened!

Anyway... with the slew of losers funded by so many counter-democracy self-interests, what would you expect. The Republican party has a hole in it and it's leaking interest and support. Good!


Oops.... wrong Al-Qaida!


President Bush acknowledged that al-Qaida is strong today, but he said it's not nearly as strong as it was prior to Sept. 11, 2001 because the United States has kept the pressure on — worked to "defeat them where we find them" — so they won't attack America.

"Al-Qaida would have been a heck of a lot stronger today had we not stayed on the offensive," Bush said in the Oval Office after meeting with U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon. "And it's in the interest of the United States to not only defeat them overseas so we don't have to face them here, but also to spread an ideology that will defeat their ideology every time — and that's the ideology based upon liberty."

George "I wonder how you get so confused" Bush,

Lemme sit you down once again and explain things in the simplest way so maybe you can understand geopolitics, terrorism, and Al-Qaida. See... there's a several Al-Qaida groups. On 9/11/01, the Al-Aqaida group led by a Saudi Arabian named Osama bin Laden in Afganistan attacked the WTC because of US presence on Saudi Arabian soil. You went after the Taliban for hiding and aiding him, remember. Then you abrubtly dropped the hunt for Osama and invaded Iraq to get at Sadam who had nothing to do with international terrorism or Al-Aqaida. Because of the US occupation of Iraq, a group calling itself Al-Aqaida in Iraq was formed and they are now causing trouble there to protest our presence.

So, it's not so much a matter of you "finding" Al-Qaida. They seem to find us and we can't seem to find them in spite of our best efforts. The form because we are occupying Arab land. They are proof of the proverb, "The enemy of my brother is my enemy, too."

Will "they" attack America? Not the Al-Aqaida in Iraq! They are mostly concerned with US occupation of their country and lack the resources to go outside Iraq. However, the original Al-Aqaida led by Osama? Yes, they will probably attack again. Why? Because we are still occupying Arab soil AND, more imporantly, they've had several years to regroup and reorganize because you haven't been persuing them! While we've been spending 12 Billion dolllars per month in Iraq and all our available military power there, Osama's been regaining strengh and planning.

So, don't fool yourself, George. While you've been lining your defense contractors' pockets, the enemy's been building their offense and sooner or later, they'll unleash it and we won't be ready, thousands will perish, and it'll be just like 9/11/01 again. Who's to blame? You, George and no one else.

Also, W, you have a very twisted sense of "Liberty". But, I'll get into that another time. Your poor lil brain can only take so much as at one time.


Monday, July 16, 2007

Scarboro and the Crazy Christian Right!


Recently we noted the blatant double standard exhibited by religious-right groups in the case of Albemarle County, Virginia schools’ “backpack mail” program: Last year, Liberty Counsel told the school that if it distributed secular materials by giving them to students to take home, it had to allow religious materials as well. The school complied. But when a summer camp for “atheists, freethinkers, [and] humanists” used the “backpack mail” program, Rick Scarborough’s Vision America pounced, directing its supporters to flood the school superintendent’s e-mail account and eventually causing the school to drop “backpack mail” altogether.

Scarborough declared a “major victory” for Vision America, but lamented that the victory was only partial: He would prefer that the school reject material from atheists while continuing to distribute material from Christian programs. Scarborough explained:

"People for the American Way says we’re hypocrites who want to establish a different standard for Christians and atheists.

Hypocrites, no. Different standards? Yes. Again, the court said the district didn’t have unbridled discretion, not that it shouldn’t exercise any discretion.

Why should a fringe minority have the same status as Christians? This country was not established by secular humanists. The Declaration of Independence appeals to the "Creator" and the "Supreme Judge of the World" -- not to Buddha or Mohammad or Madalyn Murray O’Hair.

Christians constitute 90% of the American people. The people whose taxes pay for the Albemarle County School System are overwhelmingly Christian."

My two cents...

So Joey feels that he's justfied in silencing any minority because... well, they're a minority. I believe that's called Mob Rule. And because they are a "fringe minority" (whatever that means) they don't have the same rights as the "fringe majority"? I could go on and on and on but simply, Joe fell off the end of the diving board on this one and did a tragic belly flop.

And just the other day, I will feeling sorry for him. He lost his show on MSNBC (but they still have that idiot Tucker Carlson) and I was feeling like perhaps that wasn't fair. "I mean, he was not as bad as Tucker", I thought. But after reading this drivel, I confess I was totally wrong. Joe Scarboro is WAY out of the loop. Anyone who can hold these beliefs is unfit for public consumption. He is logically brain-dead. None of this makes a bit of sense and is counter to everything on which America was founded. There's a right to free speech but when you are just plain stupid and fundamentally flawed in your logic, you lose that right. To justify overriding the rights of a minority because you are in the majority? That's WRONG, Joey! That's ABUSE of your rights. You abuse them, you lose them!

Saturday, July 14, 2007

One Texas Liberal In Japan.

Not really politics, but I should note that I am in Japan until August 9th. I will be staying in Houya, Nishitokyo, Tokyo. And it's all Monsoony!

I'll probably be severely out of the loop. I checked in CNN earlier, to see that Bush just got bitch-slapped by the report, and again by Iraq's PM. Who knows! The war could be over by the time I get home! One can only hope.

Anyway, folks, I'll post here again soon someday.

Ja! Mata!

Matthew (currently lost in translation)

Friday, July 13, 2007

I shouldn't have to say this...

George.... yeah, you, with that "caught in the headlights" look on your face. Let me sit you down for yet another chat about politics in the good ole US of A.

See, way back in the olden days, a group of citizens got together and overthrew the despot king of England (curiously also named George) and created the USA. The had a document called the Constitution and it started with the words, "We, the People...". It didn't start with, "I, the President..." or with "We, the Congress" or with "Us, the Corporations...." and there is a very good reason for that. See, the power of the govenment (which includes all THREE branches [and the Cheney Branch, no matter how he sees himself in the scheme of things]) is "derived" from the People. In simple terms, that means you get your authority from the People and not from any other entity such as Congress or Corporations. Without the consent of the People, you have no power.

Now, you spent the previous 4 and a half years of your time as President just doing as you pleased because no one told you that you couldn't. But, in 2006, the People elected a Congress that is now telling you, "no". I know that comes as a shock but just because Congress didn't say it for four and a half years, doesn't mean it was okay. It wasn't okay and you should have known that. It's like just because there's no cop at an intersection, doesn't mean you can run the Stop sign, does it?

The Congress is made up of ladies and gentlemen elected to represent the People. So, like you, they "derive" their power from.... yeah, you're getting the idea... The People. Yesterday, House of Representatives voted yet again to tell you to start packing your toys and get out of Iraq. Your response? Well, it wasn't very good. You pouted and held your breath then said, "Congress shouldn't be directing the war effort". But see, you've had five years to clean up your room, so to speak, and you haven't done it in spite of repeated requests from many, many People. So, now the time has come for Congress to start laying down some rules.

I know it's hard for you to operate under rules. You didn't have any for so long. Daddy George and Momma Barb were rarely the "enforcer" types when you were growing up. You pretty much did as you pleased. But, now, you are President of the United States and that's a tough job (you've said it a thousand times!) and the PEOPLE are your boss. You're not the boss. You're not the Decider. You're not the Commander. The PEOPLE are all those things and since your cabinet and advisors aren't keeping you informed of what the People want, the People sent Congress a message to give to you.

Now, I shouldn't have to tell you this but, you screwed up and continue to screw up in Iraq and you have to get out. (Read my blog from yesterday for specifics of what to do). I also shouldn't have to tell you to listen to Congress but I am and you need to do as they say beause those are the PEOPLE talkng to you through their elected officials. Remember, it's "We, the people..."! Okay? good boy. Here's a penny for some candy. Now go and play well with the others. Ignore that Bully Dick Cheney. He'll only get you into more trouble.

Aside: You know it's a shame that the President of the United States is such a poor student of history and politics that he doesn't understand the first thing about his job. I really have to blame the voters for that.... Yes, you, because you bought a "pig in a poke". You bought the sizzle but got no steak. He "looked Presidential" and "acted Presdential" you said. Look, anyone can swagger and wave but you should have questioned his credentials, his educations and his experience. In this next election, dig below the surface, and let's find the right man... or woman... for the job based on their experience and character, okay? I shouldn't have to say that either!


Thursday, July 12, 2007

On the Eastern Front...

In response to W's speech today re: the latest, bleak Iraq Occupation Report...

Harry Reid, D-Nev., responded. “It is time for the president to listen to the American people and do what is necessary to protect this nation. That means admitting his Iraq policy has failed, working with the Democrats and Republicans in Congress on crafting a new way forward in Iraq, and refocusing our collective efforts on defeating al Qaida,” he said in a statement.


My two cents...

George, it's time to get the heck out of Iraq and return to the first objective: Getting Al Qaida. Remember them? They were the fellows that attacked the World Trade Center in 2001. Does that ring a bell? 9/11?

Some historical input: If you hadn't slept through your high school and college years, hung over from too much booze and coke, you might have heard about WWII. I know... it's a long story so I'll cut to the chase. See, Hitler thought he could fight a war on two fronts, the Eastern front against the Soviets and the Western front against Europe and the US. (Even the Japanese knew enough not to do that and they avoided a confrontation against the Soviets for just that reason.) Well, Aldolph discovered that fighting on two fronts was a bad idea because in war people don't play by a set of rules and it strains the economic and military resources to try to fight multiple enemies at the same time.

Iraq was a minor enemy and lacked the ability to attack the US. Now, because of your occupation, there's a Civil War, and an Insurgency, and it's a hot bed of terrorism. Where we had one impotent dictator firing a rifle from a balcony, we now have Sunnis killing Shiites (and vice-wersa), we have Turkey invading Kurdish terrority, we have several powerful insurgent forces doing battle with the government and we have a more powerful terrorist network than ever existed in Afganistan. All the while, those arms and bombs that you should have protected first, rather than the oil fields, are being converted to IED's and used to kill US troops and innocent civilians. Plainly, it's a mess George, and you created it all by yourself.

George, you got yourself into a war on several fronts... even more Hitler... if you consider the domestic and political wars in the US, too. You haven't succeeded and it's been over 1500 days since you declared "Mission Accomplished" when, in fact, nothing's been "accomplished" except getting your feet stuck in the Iraqi mud. You need to decide which front you're going to fight on and pull out of the others. I suggest you pull out of Iraq, focus back on Afganistan, get the Taliban cleared out of there, set about finding Osama bin Laden (remember him?) and bring him to justice, in one form or another. Then, if you still, really, want to go back to Iraq, get international support from the UN and try again.

Dumbya, you have 500 days to get this resolved before you get returned to citizenship. Get at it. Stop talkin' and get actin'. You have learned firsthand, that "those who don't learn from history are doomed to repeat it."


Tuesday, July 10, 2007

A billion here, a billion there...

From (Julia Dahl)...

If you weren't already angry enough about the war in Iraq, we've got more fodder for your fury: the Associated Press is reporting that, according to the Congressional Research Service, the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan are now costing the U.S. approximately $12 billlion every month. Ten billion in Iraq, two billion in Afghanistan.

As the cost of the war in Iraq creeps toward half a trillion, it's alternately hilarious and heartbreaking to harken back to the good old days of early 2003 when the Bush administration was dismissing reports that a war in Iraq might cost more than -- gasp! -- $60 billion.

My two cents...

Can you imagine what we could have done with the money George II and his Repugnican Congress spent on Iraq?? Like HEALTHCARE for ALL US Citizens? Reduce the US Debt? Or reduce Taxes?!

As we come up to the partisan battle over letting Bush's tax breaks for the wealthiest 1 percent of Americans expire, let's remember what the Repugnican's did to destoy the surplus left by Bill Clinton and how much they spent while they hid under their cloak of "conservative spending". They already started attacking the Democratic Congress for "tax and spend" but somehow the media keeps a straight face as they report the Repugicans accusing Democrats of the "largest tax increase in US History"! Who the hell taught Repugnicans Math? The 109th Congress outspent Reagan for God's sake and I didn't think that was possible! Another 109th Congress would have bankrupted the US! It'll take two generations on Democrats in control to get the finances straightened out as it is!


Pope Stabs the Church


LORENZAGO DI CADORE, Italy - Pope Benedict XVI has reasserted the universal primacy of the Roman Catholic Church, approving a document released Tuesday that says Orthodox churches were defective and that other Christian denominations were not true churches.

Benedict approved a document from his old offices at the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith that restates church teaching on relations with other Christians. It was the second time in a week the pope has corrected what he says are erroneous interpretations of the Second Vatican Council, the 1962-65 meetings that modernized the church.

On Saturday, Benedict revisited another key aspect of Vatican II by reviving the old Latin Mass. Traditional Catholics cheered the move, but more liberal ones called it a step back from Vatican II.

My two cents...

It seems the Pope, a former Nazi Youth member, has taken a page from the Gingrich Republican Playbook and decided that the 1960's reforms, known as Vatican II, are "erroneous". In other words, the "infallible" Popes made a mistake in trying to create a "big tent" that includes other sects under the banner of "Christianity". Just like Gingy and his henchment culled the wheat from the chaff and created the "neocons" from the conservatives, Benny wants to separate Catholics into "true Christians" and those who are not.

We all saw what happened to the Neocon moment of the 1990's. It rode for a while on the back of Ronald Reagan and then on George the First and finally George the Second where it fell off in 2006 and has been in a paralyzed state since those elections. It should die a quiet death in 2008.

Based on that experience, I expect Pope Benny will stir the pot for a while and perhaps make some waves but eventually most people will come to the realization that Catholicism is a religion, lead by fallible humans, and it has no valid claim to be the "true Christian church" any more than any other sect on the globe. Why? Because when it all comes down to the sizzle, Christianity is how you act, not how you believe or who founded your particular group.

That's the problem the Muslems are working through. They are so tied up with who founded their particular group that they feel entitled to kill a fellow Muslem because they are a member of a Muslem group established by someone else. They totally lost sight of the fact that they are all Muslems who should be practicing the teachings of their prophet, Mohammad, and not killing each other.

So, Benny, drives a knife into the Catholic Church in a attempt to carve out some core believers and generate some excitement in an otherwise dying institution racked with bankrupcy, both financial and moral? Yeah, that will really help! NOT!

BTW... the "Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith"? It used to be called "The Inquisitor's Office". It's comforting to have that "resurrected", isn't it? Look for great things to come from this Pope. NOT.


Monday, July 9, 2007

Banned Interview with Bush. Shows his True Nature.

Bush breaks down under the heat.



Oversight and Executive Priviledge

Wonderful article by John Dean about the struggle for Congressional Oversight and the Presidential claim to Executive Priviledge! Very well written, insightful, a Must read!

Click Here to read it.

Ladies and Gentlemen, I give you Richard Nixon II!

Well, whodathunk it! With Bush's crime regime getting backed into a corner, and hearings ripping one criminal after another to shreds, the next action to further the impeachment of these imperialists has come to pass.

Underreported, but still true, is the Bush administrations ignoring of filed subpoenas against many of their top people. This "standoff" can only end two ways. And I'm going to word this in an open letter to President Bush. (which he will never read.)

Mr. President

As you no doubt have noticed, the congressional Democrats, who you so coyly said are "failing at their jobs" have begun proceedings that have no doubt caused your administration grievance. When you said on a seperate occasion "I always win", such the dogma of a tantrumous 2 year old, I doubt you would have ever dreamed of the day your precious rubber stamp thugs in the congress would have been ousted in such a way, replaced by your loyal opposition who for the most part, have gone pretty easy on you these past few months. Alas, these times must be difficult, sir. Having to fear the coming of the next morning, fearing new committees, new justices long overdue. And yet, through all this, you "valiantly" stood your ground against the questioning, hearings, and inquiries of the Democratic party. Taking the "I'm the most powerful part of the government role" to truly autocratic extremes. Surly your puppeteer Karl Rove has briefed you on that "quaint" little thing called checks and balances, but surly as you see things, those just mean bits of paper and scales. But here's the problem, Mr. President. When those "failing" Democrats offered a nifty little thing called a Subpoena to your ilk, and you decided to instigate this pathetic little standoff with them, you're really lining yourself up for your own destruction, sir. You see, while you were asleep during basic congressional law, sir, there's one little aspect to the whole process that you perhaps, forgot, or never learned in the process. Here's how things have worked, and are going to work from now until another man like to drags our great country into an Empire state. Step 1: You or someone in your administration does something wrong. Step 2: The Democrats learn about it and question you. Step 3: If you remain uncooperative, we offer you subpoenas.
And if you for some reason feel that you are above these subpoenas, as you obviously think you are, then we get to hold you, and your administration, in complete, and utter CONTEMPT OF CONGRESS And sadly for you, this is an not only an unavoidably impeachcable offence, but we haul you, Dick, Karl, and everybody else off to JAIL

So here's how it's going to work, George. You cooperate with us, or we, as democrats, are going to impeach your ass and throw you in jail, effectively destroying your thief presidency.

We hope you will make the right decision.



Thursday, July 5, 2007

Followup to "I accuse"

In my opinion Olbermann's best moment.

I accuse...

I can't say it much better than Keith Olbermann...

"I accuse you, Mr. Bush, of lying this country into war.

I accuse you of fabricating in the minds of your own people, a false implied link between Saddam Hussein and 9/11.

I accuse you of firing the generals who told you that the plans for Iraq were disastrously insufficient.

I accuse you of causing in Iraq the needless deaths of 3,586 of our brothers and sons, and sisters and daughters, and friends and neighbors.

I accuse you of subverting the Constitution, not in some misguided but sincerely-motivated struggle to combat terrorists, but to stifle dissent.

I accuse you of fomenting fear among your own people, of creating the very terror you claim to have fought.

I accuse you of exploiting that unreasoning fear, the natural fear of your own people who just want to live their lives in peace, as a political tool to slander your critics and libel your opponents.

I accuse you of handing part of this Republic over to a Vice President who is without conscience, and letting him run roughshod over it.

And I accuse you now, Mr. Bush, of giving, through that Vice President, carte blanche to Mr. Libby, to help defame Ambassador Joseph Wilson by any means necessary, to lie to Grand Juries and Special Counsel and before a court, in order to protect the mechanisms and particulars of that defamation, with your guarantee that Libby would never see prison, and, in so doing, as Ambassador Wilson himself phrased it here last night, of becoming an accessory to the obstruction of justice."

for Keith's entire comment... click here

Monday, July 2, 2007


The only reasonable response to Bush's commutation of "Scooter" Libby's prison sentence is to IMPEACH him and his Vice President! That's all I have to say about this issue. IMPEACH or forever hold your peace.
