Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Repubs get Illegal money from Illegal Immigrant

From Think Progress:
Sen. John Ensign, R-Nev., who backs stricter controls on illegal immigration, was to raise money Monday in Miami at the home of a Peruvian woman who pleaded guilty a decade ago to passport fraud and is fighting for the right to stay in the country.
The fundraiser for the National Republican Senatorial Committee, which Ensign chairs, comes at a time when undocumented immigrants across the country live in fear of what they say are stepped-up orders to deport those here illegally."

Last time I checked, were't the Republicans supposed to be ANTI-Immigration? Are they so desperate for funding in this age of Democratic leadership that they would stoop so low as to take it from the bain of their existance?

Yet another reason why the RDS (Republican Double Standard) continues to just ruin today's political climate.



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