Sunday, May 6, 2007

Rudy sez: Dems will cause more Terror in the U.S.

Is anyone else as tired of Former New York Rudy Guiliani as I am?

Ever since the Republican Debates (a.k.a. Right-Wing Panicfest 2007), Rudy has been dribbling the ball Bush bounced off the backboard after the 2006 Midterm election. That "The Democrats are weak on terror and if they enter power, the Terrorists will attack! (OMGWTFBBQ!!!!) Of course, in '06, the second Bush found out that his ass got handed to him, he quickly abandoned that old chestnut for the short lived "Bipartisonship" fascade. But it seems that wasn't enough of the pack of red rats, that are know trying to scratch their way into the Presidency in 2008. Sure enough, Rude Rudy is now trying to continue the myth that Democrats and Terrorists go hand in hand. He said that "If a Democrat wins in 2008, the terrorists will attack the US on the scale of 9/11." This just sounds so damn firmillar. He seems to forget, as well as every of the remaining loyalist Repubs that 9/11 happened UNDER BUSH! But then again, it ended up being Clintons fault in the eyes of the Flying Monkeys, as was everything else that has gone wrong in the Bush Catastrophe.

Here's my memo to Rudy:
That boulderdash about us being an "encourager of terrorism" didn't work before, and it won't work again. Why don't you actually try running a campaign (which you will lose anyway) instead of trying to scare everyone into voting for you. You want an encourager of terrorism? I've got 16 letters for you. G-E-O-R-G-E, W-A-L-K-E-R, B-U-S-H. He's the one who invaded Iraq and turned it into a safehaven for Terrorists. You want to blame the Democrats for anything, blame them for being too weak kneed to knee you in your groin for saying such proposterous things.



Devon and Matt said...

Rudy seems to be attempting the Bush/Cheney trick of stirring up the Fear brew. He'll find it only works now with those who've pulled the Republican wool over their eyes and are hiding from the boogeyman. It's pretty ineffective for the rest of the world.

Devon and Matt said...

Simply, the Repugnicans have done more damage to the USA than a whole 747 full of Osama's ever could!

Devon and Matt said...

as for the question you posed... is anyone as tired of Rudy...: I was tired of Rudy of 9/12 when he used the tragedy of the previous day for his poliical advantage. He hasn't stopped since.