Thursday, May 10, 2007

Bad Texas Analogies

"The list of accusations has mushroomed, but the evidence of wrongdoing has not," said Rep. Lamar Smith of Texas, the committee's senior GOP member. "If there are no fish in this lake, we should reel in our lines of questions, dock our empty boat and turn to more pressing issues."

Once again, Texas' "fine representation" comes up with some country expression to dismiss a serious question of wrongdoing!

Lamar, hon, lemme put it in terms you might understand... ya'll just sit back a bit and chew on this... this ain't a matter of two adults having consentual sex in the Oval Office. For that, you spent two and a half YEARS and $50 Million (plus) dollars in long, plodding hearings in the US House and Senate. These are hearings to question the operation of an entire division of the Executive Branch of government which is supposed to operate in accordance with the LAWS of the United States of America. Ya see, we suspect that the Justice Department hasn't been acting in accordance to the law. This is just the tip of an iceberg of concerns about the operation of the entire Justice Department under the mismanagement of the President and the Attorney General. So, ya'll just be patient for a while. This could take some time and careful investigation. I know it might be sorta boring for you 'cause it don't have nothin' excitin' like oral sex or stained dresses and it sure don't have them big haired ladies that you like, but this is real government work. No, it's not fun like fishin' but you have to work now. It ain't time for fishin' no more. You spent five, almost six, years fishin' while you were supposed to be workin' and it's time to put in an honest day's work for an honest dollar. Ok?

Now I understand why you want to get outa this lake as quick as you can. You're just trying to protect the great Pretender and his Attorney General. Well, that's all real nice and good but this here's Honest to goodness, Government Work. Here's an old time expression for ya... If you can't stand the heat, get outa the kitchen! Soon it'll be "Soup's on!" and you can enjoy the meal. Bring a bib!

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