Hot off the press... MSNBC... reporting on a recent poll... "Obama beats the leading Republicans by larger margins than any other Democrat: besting Giuliani 50 to 43 percent, among registered voters; beating McCain 52 to 39 percent, and defeating Romney 58 percent to 29 percent"
You'll enjoy this moment, Matt. We're talking in the break room at work, me and a "conservative". The news about Obama getting Secret Service protection sparked a conversation about his candidancy versus Clinton. Another Liberal and I agree that it's refreshing to have these two for consideration. The "conservative" chimes in that he would support Obama over Clinton... an "anybody but Clinton" sort of mentality but interesting nonetheless. He also said that the Repubs haven't got a chance in this next election so it's going to be important what Democrat gets the nomination.
Now I know you support Edwards and I'd be gald to hear your points again... this time for the public, please. I am still making up my mind. I lean towards both Clinton and Obama at the monent, and in that order.
I'd like to see a woman President. It's about time. For over 30 years I've been supporting the idea of more female represenation in Congress. After all, 51 percent of the population is Female (making them hardly a minority statistically) but they are represented by only three or four (can't recall the specifics) women in the Senate. So less than 5 percent of the highest deliberative, legislative body represents 51 percent of the population? That's nonsense! Women need to get out and support their candidates. If they do, then Clinton is a total "slam dunk" (I almost hesitate to use that word in light of recent Tenet testimony).
Obama, on the other hand, brings to the election, the Presidential "attitude" that Bush displayed in the 2000 election... that confident, full speed ahead, attitude that makes Americans wanna salute the flag. That's probably what gets the support of the "conservatives" like my office friend. They like the BigDaddy, "I'm gonna protect you and kick the butt of anyone who means to harm you" sort. Obama pushes right up to the edge of that without going into the Bush-bravado, swagger, flightsuit thing W did on Mission Accomplished Day.
So, it's interesting to note two things. One, A Democrat will win the election and it will probably be either a woman or a black if it's between Clinton and Obama. I predict a Clinton-Obama ticket and, therefore, BOTH will win. The question now is which order, Clinton-Obama or Obama-Clinton?
(Note: I use the term "conservative" to describe those who claim to be conservative because nowadays, they are not really conservative in the politically, historical sense of the word. Matt, you have a great way of defining this and I'll leave it to you to make your point. anyway, today's "conservatives" are not really conservative in the Goldwater sense of the word. Back then, they truely wanted less federal government and more local and state control. They wanted decisions made at a local level based on the "majority rule". The problem is, that doesn't work any more. Our problems today are global and international. Trying to solve them one state at a time isn't going to work anymore. More about this later... Today's conservative movement is really a mixture of fiscal tightwads, sometime libertarians, social/sexual repressives, ignorant, poorly educated or informed, well meaning social protectionists, lead by power and money hungry self promoters. There's little that really conservative in the movement that was there in 1980. The only thing conservative about the movement today is their use of the label "conservative". Matt you have some really excellent thoughts on this. Please share them!)
Sunday, May 6, 2007
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I just found your site this morning, thanks to Henry Stinson. I enjoyed reading the blogs. Thanks for taking the time to share your views. As a cradle Democrat, I am set in my ways, but I am very interested in other's opinions. I am of an age to remember what real conservativism looks like. Certainly not like anything in Washington today. Let's turn Texas Blue!!!!
Welcome to the Blog. Keep coming back... looks like we struck a vein in Matt's thought mine... and send your friends! The more the merrier! (Devon)
Hey!! I have heard you (Matt) call in to Mike Malloy's show many times. I almost fell off my chair when you said you live in Bedford. WE LIVED IN BEDFORD FROM 1995 - 2001. We lived on Harwood Road. We moved there from NY to be near our grandchildren so you can imagine the culture shock! We are both true blue Dems and found ourselves outside the mainstream (to say the least) in Texas. I worked in West Fort Worth at a law firm. When I kept my Gore/Leiberman poster up near my desk and they "lost" someone changed it to "Sore Loserman". I can't imagine how you can continue to live there feeling the way you do. We certainly felt like fish out of water.
Wrapping this up, as Mike would say "Watch your back" and keep on doing what you're doing.
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