Sunday, May 6, 2007

American Politiks in Today's World

Well, now. Regarding Obama's seeking secret service protection, I'm not surprised.
However, I'd have loved to hear the way Limbaugh spinned it.

Conservatives in today's political climate are confusing to me. They seem to be in such a civil war the very fabric of their beliefs are just festering and seperating at the seems. They're splitting now into 3 factions: NeoCons, Libertarians, and Born-Again Democrats. (Conservative Democrats, mind). The NeoCons are the ones who've drunk so much Kool-aid, that in light of recent events, have radicalized even FURTHER. The Libertarian Front is the haven for the Ex-Cons, or Ex-Neocons who still have an unabiding hatred for liberals, but can't stand Bush, or the Republicans, so have defected to a Third Party who are, in my opinion, almost as bad as the Conservatives. (Think Neal Boortz) And then there's the B-A Dems. Those are the Conservatives who have figured that they've been continually lied to, and have had enough. One example would be Ed Shultz, who, in my opinion still seems to be a Democratic Apologist, but in any case, they've done a total 360 on their beliefs, and have decided to be actual Human beings for a change.

As for why I support Edwards, to be honest, as this election season will be the first I ever vote in, I'd surly vote for whoever got the nomination, but I like Edwards, namely because he's the most electable. My main problem with the mainstream Democratic sentiment is that we're far too focused on the "gimmick" of the politician we want in. It's like the DNC are saying "Hey! Lookie here! We not only have the Super Liberal guy,, but we also have a Latino candidate! And if that isn't good enough, we have a really a SOUTHERN guy, an African American candidate, and to top it off, a woman candidate!" That's all good and well, in fact it's nice to see, seeing as the Republicans wouldn't be caught DEAD ponying up any of those types of people, but I feel that us Democrats should be focusing on one thing: Electability in their candidates. To me, electable is Edwards. He's a little bit country, and he's a little bit Rock and Roll.

Many of the other candidates, I feel, are unelectable, for pretty stupid reasons, really, but these stupid reasons are enough to be a bullet-in-the-head for the people wanting to run, since the features of said candidate will loose alot of what are called "Group" votes. I'll give some examples:

Barack Obama: I love the guy. I think he's great. Smart, and he should be president already. But, I feel he will lose practically EVERY southern vote. Partly, because his name has "Hussein" in it, which yes is stupid that that would lose voters, but it would. And also, he loses white supremacist votes, or people of the older generation who still harbor racism against blacks, or people nowadays, or as said in the deep south "I ain't gone done votin' for a negro!" Is this really the world we live in? Sadly, it is. Yes, he might get the Black vote, but if 50% of all whites don't vote for you, a Mormon stands a better chance of winning than he does.

Dennis Kusinich: Again, Dennis is the Morality of the Democratic Party, save for Al Gore, but sadly, he will lose almost EVERY moderate, moderate conservative, conservative and neoconservative votes. Undicideds who don't know him will sooner trust the more conservative candidates, because in todays world, as we know, Liberal has become just short of slander. I'd vote for him, but I doubt Jesusland America, or most of it would.

Hillary Clinton: I'm less keen on her, but I would still vote for her. But I think that Hillary has lost all votes she can possibly lose, and the election hasnt even started. She's abroadly known as "The Vixen" and "The succubus of the Democratic Party". She's probably the most hated woman in the country, seeing as even Democrats hate her, and the fact she's woman does NOT help her. Some men really do tend to have a "thing", regardless of politics, about electing a woman into a position higher than EVERY other human being on Earth. The almighty testacle would take a huge blow from this. And, as I said before, she's really known as a stiff, overbearing, domineering, bitch. (And I think I'm actually quoting Druggy Rush Limbaugh here) And she barely has any Democratic votes.

Bill Richardson, while from what I heard, is a really good and smart guy, really failed at the debate, and seemed to be about as interesting as a moldy potato. And in today's world of insufferable intolerance against Latinos, especially in today's severely anti-immigrant world, where latino(a)s are generalized, really don't stand a great chance in such a racist country. Same goes really for Obama.

I guess my point is, the Democrats really need to play it safe here. The last 2 elections, while stolen, really could have been won easier if better decisions were made, especially in the 2004 election. By play it safe, basically, they need to stick with a presidential formula that recent defectors of Republicans need to feel good with. It worked for the Democrats with Bill Clinton, Jimmy Carter, and so-on. And right now, our modern JFK, Jimmy, or Bill, is John Edwards, which is why he's my safest bet to win. Yes, many of my Democratic friends think Hillary or Obama has a chanse, maybe they do. But I just don't see it.

Plus, Edwards is the only ONLY candidate with a good Healthcare plan.

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