Saturday, May 12, 2007

Heros & Zeros of the Texas Legislature:


HERO: Rep. Jessica Farrar (D-Houston) led the charge in support
of women's health for yet another Session, filing numerous
proactive pro-choice bills. As one of only two pro-choice
members (and the only woman!) on the House State Affairs
Committee, she has been instrumental in highlighting misguided
and extreme anti-choice bills.

ZERO: Sen. Patrick (R-Houston) tops this list for his zealous
assaults on women's health in Texas. Not only did he file a
dangerous and extreme bill to create a near-total ban on
abortion in Texas (SB 186), he also proposed two other shocking
bills: one that would require a doctor to tell a woman seeking
an abortion that the state will pay $500 to choose adoption
instead (SB 1567); and another to force women to view ultrasound
images regardless of their consent (SB 920)!

Click here to read about more Heroes & Zeros of the Texas
Legislature, more

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