Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Iiiiiiit's Photo-op Season!

Yes, with Tornados wreaking hell and havoc around the country, you can always coun't on ol' King George to walk around his subjects, pretending to sympathise while posing for the camera. With a war going south, Bush seems not not be able to get "it" up. (It being his poll numbers.) So what does ol' Bush do? He goes from one red state to another, pretending to sympathise with the victims, all at the same time waiting for the press to get a hold of how "kind" and "sympathetic" he is.
If Man-or-Monkey hasn't made you sick yet, just follow his little "Look how super I am!" tour around the victims of the tornados.

Oh, and the pic I included... It's just good to find pictures of Bush doing what he does best. Sucking peoples brains out of their skulls.


1 comment:

Devon and Matt said...

Now Matt... don't begrude W sucking people's brains! He needs all he can get and those from people who live in Tornado Alley and supported him in two elections are at least a LITTLE more than he got from Barbara and the old man!