Saturday, May 12, 2007

Pat Robertson's Black Hole...

Republican presidential hopeful Mitt Romney’s commencement speech at Pat Robertson’s Regent University was widely covered as a test of whether the former governor’s Mormonism can appeal to an audience that regards the religion as a cult.
(From Right Wing Watch)

It could have been just one of the routine commencements held across the nation Saturday - but this was a Mormon addressing students of a school that labels itself "America's pre-eminent Christian university," a scene pundits could predict would be tense given the evangelical community's concerns with followers of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

In that sense, Romney’s visit was a success. Oft-quoted political scientist Larry Sabato said that “Being at Pat Robertson University is the message he needs.” The parent of one Regent grad told a reporter, “It wasn't until he was about halfway through his speech that I remembered he was Mormon." You can’t buy press like that.

(From the Salt Lake Tribune)

It's frightening when the extreme right wing must appeal to other segments of the extreme right wing in order to find acceptance but there is silver lining in that dark cloud!

This is yet another example of the right wing's continued implosion and I'm not surprised. I'm an avid historian and predicted much of this back in the 1970's when I looked carefully at what was then the "Jesus Movement". While I saw many who were honestly coming to an epiphany of religious insight, I saw a group who were standing on the fringe waiting to exploit that group of new believers.

In the 1980's they carefully worked at building a huge network of friends; both political and financial. Their zenith was in the Reagan adminsitration when they discovered that political power was much more satisfying and profitable than "faith". They set about building satillite communications and educational facilities. They got elected officials into office at state and local levels. These officals later influenced and even corrupted federal elections which gave them a "born again" President; TWICE!

In both Bush administrations they found fetile ground to place their graduates in influential government positions where they could influence not only legislation but now they could control the execution of those laws. All the while they attacked the remaining "check and balance" of the Judicial Branch of government by removing "activist judges" and getting their sympathizers into those positions. With a neutered judiciary, a controlled executive and a "hands-off" legislative branch, they wrecked havok for the last five years which came to a high-water mark when they got us involved in Iraq in what is believed to be an insane attempt to hurry along their saviour's return to earth and their own "rapture".

One of the most successful of these religious charlatans is Pat Robertson who has proven himself as the Axis Mundi of Evil. Those wishing to drink from his well of money and influence, must come pay him homage. Mit Romney, being a member of what many religious fundamentalists consider a cult and a non-Christian at that, must appeal to this group for their acceptance. Obviously, it will have some effect, but the core of the "faithful" are skeptical and probably won't support him when it comes to voting. He barely gets 10 percent of the poll numbers.

Pat isn't just looking at the 2008 electio, he's looking at an alliance with the Mormon church to extend his influence and power. He knows 2008 won't be a Republican victory. He's got bigger fish to fry and Mit is just a single course in an elaborate buffet. But with all that "food", they will still not be satisfied and will continue to hunger for more.

As I said, this is an implosion. That is, the Right Wing, Religious Fundamentalists won't explode as they pass into oblivion. Historically, that's never happened. Rather, they will impode. In other words, they draw those around them into their ring of influence and suck the life out of them. They feed on the energy, power and influence of the smaller groups to enpower themselves in their self-destructive efforts. Mit Romney, has placed himself inside the "danger zone" by getting too close to Pat Robertson. Like a Black Hole, Pat will draw him in and Mit will never know what happened until it's over. There won't even be any bones. It happens to those who come near him; ask James Bakker and Jerry Falwell. And, you know, I'm glad because the more powerful they becomes, the closer they get to their personal and political Armageddon. The 2006 Election was the beginning of the end and 2008 will be the high-water mark for Justice and Truth in the USA.


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