Tuesday, May 8, 2007

A Sad View of Insanity

With the 2008 elections coming up faster than a rabid wolf on steroids, it's kinda wierd seeing the Republicans the way they are.
Ever since the war took a turn from the worse, to the abominable, Republicans seemed to act somewhat "off" from their normal "I've got mine, I want yours" mantra. Everyone knows that the Republicans of old were the scum of humanity, such as Reagan, Nixon, Bush I, and Bush II, but it seems that since things have started looking down for the Repubs, they've started morphing their personas, from Evil, to just plain insane. Just watching them speak, or in a debate, where some of them didn't even believe in evolution, so seing the bios of the Republican candidates, how they act, what they say, what they think and what they feel, it's as if they've just completely and totally lost it! I mean, how sad of a day is it that we see the the high ranking officials of the Republican party just lose it, with more scandals and freak shows I can count, but the fact that so many people still support these fascists. I'm reminded of the final days of Hitler, as he sat in his bunker while his officers told him how the Allies were marching towards berlin, as Adolf was ordering the generals to move armies of troops that didn't exist. In that period of time, Hitler truly had lost all touch with reality, and now it seems, with the troops of Democracy marching fast of the Conservative Reichstag, and it is Bush, who is the sad Fuhrer, yelling at his generals for not moving troops that don't exsist. And the people who still support his war effort, blindly smiling on as one by one, the soldiers they have abandoned and abused continued to die. There is only one difference between Hitler's war effort and today's war. Which is our soldiers are NOT the Waffen SS, the SA, or any Storm Trooper. (Though history may eventually beg to differ.) Those soldiers are OUR soldiers. While we must offer them our support, we can't afford to allow the people who still support this campaign of muslim extermination to continue.

The Republicans have lost it. All of them. I don't care who they are. McCain is self destructing, Guiliani is going insane, Romney was crazy to think he could even get the nomination. It's a sad sad day, to know that such a major political party, even one as Nazi-esque as the Republicans, are falling apart at the seems, while failing this country so horribly.


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