Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Cheney to Iraq: "Give me your babies...I'm Hungry..."

Is it just me, or has Cheney used up his use as a Vice President to a lame-duck administration, and is now just being shipped off around the world to go threatan other governments? With his "un-announced" trip to Iraq, (which is further proof how incompitent those Al-queda people really are, being unable to off the Vice President IN THEIR OWN COUNTRY) Cheney was reported as "Playing the Bad Cop" to the Iraqis. What do you suppose this means? I can just see some of the quotes now..."

"Do I look funny to you?"

"You look at me like that again, I will consume your soul..."

"You got kids? You want to keep them?"

"Where's the store? I'm short on Baby Blood..."

Seems the Vice Prince of Darkness just got bored. That's what happens. Cheney gets bored, he goes off the threatan countries.
I can hear his "Vader" breathing getting closer.....


1 comment:

Devon and Matt said...

Better to have him in Iraq threatening the Iraqi "government" than here in the US, tearing holes in the Constitution!