Friday, July 27, 2007

Saudi Problems!

From the NY Times...

Basically, the stuff is hitting the fan with George the Witless' robed buddies. Someone's figuring out that his former playmates are really just terrorists of another ilk. Rather than fight us directly and risk losing the revenue from their oil, they support the Islamic extremists and play both end against the middle so they don't offend anyone!

George is caught in the middle because he's handholding buddies with the Saudi prince Bandar and because his Daddy and other family members are in business (deeply) with the Saudi's and King Abdullah. So, he has to tread lightly when it comes to representing US interests to these former goat herders.

But now and then some truth comes to light and... well, this is one of those moments.

The solution? Get as far away from middle east oil as we can through alternative fuels (make that our National Priority!) and get out of the middle east and let them kill each other if they must.


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