Tuesday, July 10, 2007

A billion here, a billion there...

From Salon.com (Julia Dahl)...

If you weren't already angry enough about the war in Iraq, we've got more fodder for your fury: the Associated Press is reporting that, according to the Congressional Research Service, the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan are now costing the U.S. approximately $12 billlion every month. Ten billion in Iraq, two billion in Afghanistan.

As the cost of the war in Iraq creeps toward half a trillion, it's alternately hilarious and heartbreaking to harken back to the good old days of early 2003 when the Bush administration was dismissing reports that a war in Iraq might cost more than -- gasp! -- $60 billion.

My two cents...

Can you imagine what we could have done with the money George II and his Repugnican Congress spent on Iraq?? Like HEALTHCARE for ALL US Citizens? Reduce the US Debt? Or reduce Taxes?!

As we come up to the partisan battle over letting Bush's tax breaks for the wealthiest 1 percent of Americans expire, let's remember what the Repugnican's did to destoy the surplus left by Bill Clinton and how much they spent while they hid under their cloak of "conservative spending". They already started attacking the Democratic Congress for "tax and spend" but somehow the media keeps a straight face as they report the Repugicans accusing Democrats of the "largest tax increase in US History"! Who the hell taught Repugnicans Math? The 109th Congress outspent Reagan for God's sake and I didn't think that was possible! Another 109th Congress would have bankrupted the US! It'll take two generations on Democrats in control to get the finances straightened out as it is!


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