Friday, July 27, 2007

Free Religion!

From and an article about Why Germany hates Secientology... <--- click to read

"Some German officials believe Scientology's ideology is rooted in a kind of political extremism—a bit of a sensitive area for Germany since World War II. They also argue that Scientology is not a religion but a business, since local churches operate like franchises of the main organization. "


My two cents...

I truely believe all religions should have the right to practice their belief, even Scientology. After all, who is to say they aren't totally correct and we're all wrong? But arguing that Scientology is a "business" and not a "religion" totally misses the mark for excuses not to call it a "religion"!

Come on, crowd! Look at any religion and, in spite of all the ritual and faith and belief structure, they are ALL businesses! The Baptists send money to the HQ like any other franchise and, although they claim the individual churches are "independent", if they screw up enough, they are ostracized by the leadship of the HQ. Same with Methodists, Lutherans, Episcopal, etc.

But, of course, it's the Catholic Church that is a best example of a franchising operation. All decisions come down from Headquarters (the Pope and the Vatican) and that includes every nook and cranny of the Catholics' world. Even the professors at Catholic Universities are under the HQ's thumb. Teach or write outside the dictates of the Central Office and boom... no job.

So, if you're going to pick on Scientology for being a business, you must go after ALL the other religions. They are ALL businesses and at their core, their interest is money, money and more money, like like McDonalds, KFC, Pizza Hut, etc.!

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