Monday, June 11, 2007

The Kid Who Was Told "Think For Yourself" And Became Liberal.

Probably the best advice my parents ever gave me was before I chose a Side, Religion, Moral System, etc, I had to study every side thorougly. Which has lead me to an interesting realization. Probably one of the sole reasons I am who I am, is because I was never indoctrinated into a way of thinking. Having a Democrat Mother, and a Republican Father, the side was really for me to take. And in any other situation, I could have, if in any other family, been born, and bred and indoctrinated into a NeoCon with as strength and furvor I have as a Liberal. The biggest difference was that in my life, I was given a choice, and was allowed to let my humanity judge which "Side" I agreed with. And during my period of choosing, I always kept a journal of my political and religious quest, and I'd like to take this opprotunity to delve into that old book that was given to me in the fall of 1998. (I was 9 years old).
First off I'll skipp the first few dates, since alot of it is hard to read, and many of it is really just talking about Bill Clinton. It amazes me how little I did know about the world back then. But I'll start off on one of my more educated, informed, and decisive (and perhaps easiest to read) entrys, dated 5.9.99. I'll start and quote the first paragraph with corrections of spelling.

"Was a long day. I got a chance to see the news today. There is something I don't get. There are bunches of people talking about the President. And wow, tons of books about him too. I remember when they were talking about him and Monica a year ago. But I thought that was over. There was a woman talking about him. She seemed very mean. She had called President Clinton typical something. I can't remember the word. Maybe I'll ask mom. But I didn't like the woman. Even though a lot of people are mad at the President, because he lied, that woman seemed really mean. And I don't think she knew what she was talking about. She kept calling him some word. Anyway, I'll figure out what it is."

Okay, doesn't sound like much, but this is actually a somewhat momentous occasion. Not only was my first exposure to the Painfull Pundit Ann Coulter, but as you'll see, there's another revalation I learned the next day. Halfway through the next entry.

"...Oh and by the way. I found out what that woman was calling President Bill. She kept calling him a "Liburel" (Yes that's how I spelled it), but I'm confused now. I looked up the word. Liburels sound like really nice people. I think liburels care for people alot. I don't think the man who hates the President, Newt, is a Liburel, because he is always hating people. I think mom is a Liburel too. I wonder if I am."

I think that really is a pivotal point in my life, when I begin to figure things out. I may post more on this later, but here's a small snippet of something much later, in May of 2000.

"Governer Bush is running for President. I don't like him. I think he's stupid, because he has trouble talking. I hope he doesn't become president."

I'd be willing to bet that if I gave this journal to a political analyst and a scientist, they'd probably be able to find some pretty interesting things about how people become various political stances.


1 comment:

Devon and Matt said...

Matt, unfortunately the voters don't always have the curiosity and frankness of 9 year olds and so they go for the easy decision. Bush was easy because he was so well packaged as a political product. He "looked" Presidential with his swagger and, what passed for, confidence. To vote for Gore or Kerry required some thought and consideration both of which were in short supply in the last decade. The voters bought the Bush package but when they looked inside, it was empty. So, you see being a Liberl requires thinking and as long as that's the case, it's the road less travelled.