Monday, October 29, 2007

Let's Bring Back the USSR!

It seems the Right Wingnuts really need a boogey man and when they lost the USSR as the US version of the "Great Satan", they set about finding a new one. In their desperation, they chose Muslims and the Islamic religion. It doesn't matter that the vast majority of Muslims are peace loving types who simply want to work hard, put food on the table and live a blessed life. That makes no difference to the Culture of Hate that needs something, anything to feed on.

Cal Thomas recently wrote "
From the rapid construction of mosques and Islamic schools across the country -- many of which are financed by Saudi Arabia -- to the use of front organizations as conduits to channel money to terrorist groups abroad, a "fifth column" has been opened in the United States.
For those unfamiliar with the term "fifth column," it usually refers to a group of people who are assumed to have loyalties to countries other than their own, or who support some other nation in war efforts against the country they live in.
So, now those who practice Islam are "fifth columnists" (Cal had to define the term to his readers. I guess it's not enough that they know how to read?)

So, to Cal Thomas, every Muslin is a potential traitor to the US! Why does this remind me of WWII and the movement to place Japanese living in the US in "internment camps"? The assumption then was that because they were of Japanese ancestry, they must be in league with the Japanese government. Likewise, just because some Muslim extremists are acting out politically, they must all be terrorists. Gosh, this means that all Christians are religious fundamentalists intent on overthrowing the US government for their version of Old Testament "sharia"!

I wish we had the USSR back again. At least the wingnuts had an enemy that was identifiable and quantifiable. I don't like their recent choices at all!


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