Friday, August 24, 2007

Repugicans Find a Way Out for 2008!

From and Associated Press:

ORLANDO, Fla. - A Republican political consultant and two other men were found dead in a home in an apparent double-murder and suicide, authorities and relatives said.
Authorities have not determined a motive for the deaths of Ralph Gonzalez, 39, his roommate, David Abrami, 36, and a friend, Robert Drake, 30.

Maybe more Repugnican "consultants" will take this way out to avoid the 2008 debacle!?

Perhaps a "lover's triangle"? It's imaginable. After all, the most notorious "closet queens" in history are Repugnicans!

Next it'll be Rudy and Mitt having a tiff and bitch slapping each other to death?


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