Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Oops.... wrong Al-Qaida!

from MSNBC.com

President Bush acknowledged that al-Qaida is strong today, but he said it's not nearly as strong as it was prior to Sept. 11, 2001 because the United States has kept the pressure on — worked to "defeat them where we find them" — so they won't attack America.

"Al-Qaida would have been a heck of a lot stronger today had we not stayed on the offensive," Bush said in the Oval Office after meeting with U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon. "And it's in the interest of the United States to not only defeat them overseas so we don't have to face them here, but also to spread an ideology that will defeat their ideology every time — and that's the ideology based upon liberty."

George "I wonder how you get so confused" Bush,

Lemme sit you down once again and explain things in the simplest way so maybe you can understand geopolitics, terrorism, and Al-Qaida. See... there's a several Al-Qaida groups. On 9/11/01, the Al-Aqaida group led by a Saudi Arabian named Osama bin Laden in Afganistan attacked the WTC because of US presence on Saudi Arabian soil. You went after the Taliban for hiding and aiding him, remember. Then you abrubtly dropped the hunt for Osama and invaded Iraq to get at Sadam who had nothing to do with international terrorism or Al-Aqaida. Because of the US occupation of Iraq, a group calling itself Al-Aqaida in Iraq was formed and they are now causing trouble there to protest our presence.

So, it's not so much a matter of you "finding" Al-Qaida. They seem to find us and we can't seem to find them in spite of our best efforts. The form because we are occupying Arab land. They are proof of the proverb, "The enemy of my brother is my enemy, too."

Will "they" attack America? Not the Al-Aqaida in Iraq! They are mostly concerned with US occupation of their country and lack the resources to go outside Iraq. However, the original Al-Aqaida led by Osama? Yes, they will probably attack again. Why? Because we are still occupying Arab soil AND, more imporantly, they've had several years to regroup and reorganize because you haven't been persuing them! While we've been spending 12 Billion dolllars per month in Iraq and all our available military power there, Osama's been regaining strengh and planning.

So, don't fool yourself, George. While you've been lining your defense contractors' pockets, the enemy's been building their offense and sooner or later, they'll unleash it and we won't be ready, thousands will perish, and it'll be just like 9/11/01 again. Who's to blame? You, George and no one else.

Also, W, you have a very twisted sense of "Liberty". But, I'll get into that another time. Your poor lil brain can only take so much as at one time.


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