Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Around the Water Cooler

In the break room, I was talking to a collegue who is a Republican, about our representation in Washington. In this case, he comes from Tom Delay's part of the world and voted for him every time. But now, he confessed, he'd like to see Delay stipped of his shirt and flogged daily for his crimes against the people of his district and the US in general. He also suggested a creative use of "waterboarding" for Tom as a daily punishment. When I mentioned Delay's "my extramarital affair wasn't as bad a Newt's affair", he didn't even know that! Trust me, he had even more to add to Tom's punishment schedule with that additional information!

Obviously, the Repugnican party is falling apart at the seams. They are losing their base and alienating all their friends. This lifelong Republican, for all his good intentions and sky high ideals, was severely let down by poor leadership. I sense he will be vary wary of who he votes for in the next few elections. I've heard that it will be almost another generation before the Republicans outlive this travesty and, I sense it just might be the case.



The Defender said...

You must understand, however, that for all the alienated Republicans (and there are many), the Democratic party does not offer a legitimate alternative. I don't want 4-8 more years of what we have now, but I sure as heck don't want 4-8 years of surrendering even more of my personal rights and freedoms to a party with a thinly veiled socialist agenda.


Brian. http://brian-amoreperfectunion.blogspot.com/

Devon and Matt said...

Good point, Brian, but for me, if it's a choice between having my personal liberties like privacy, free speech, unrestricted travel, and personal freedom, I will take the Liberal/Democratic road any day over the Republican course that taps phones, invades privacy, eliminates habeus corpus, gives tax cuts to the wealthest 1 percent over the other 99 percent, interfers with voting rights, arrests and holds innocent people in illegal political prisons, sanctions torture, violates sacred treaties, cloaks its decisions behind "executive priviledge", lies to the citizenry about the reasons for starting a unilateral occupation of a foreign country, continues that same occupation in spite of its apparent failure, violates civil service regulations in its hiring practices then lies about it, appoints people to jobs based not on qualifications but on their loyalty to the regime... Brian, I could go on for a while... Afterall, it's been nearly seven years of just Bush II!

Since when is giving back to the taxpayer thru entitlements a "socailist agenda"? Since when are medicare, medicaid, Social Security, education, national security, job protection, automobile and aircraft safety, consumer protection, food and drug quality assurance etc., etc, part of a socialist agenda? You're welcome to live without those, of course. But for the rest of us, we'd like to get something back for our hard-earned tax contributions. Giving it to Exxon/Mobil to increase their profits may make sense to you but it's doesn't to me. I pay taxes and expect that money to come back to me and my family not some overpaid CEO! The Liberal "agenda" says "Take care of the people first". If that's socialism, then I'll take a double dose, please!